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Miracle Needed Here, Thank You

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Light a Candle for Kristen

Image copyright MatthewBowden, www.digitallyrefreshing.com

Image copyright MatthewBowden, http://www.digitallyrefreshing.com

Sister Alma Rose’s goddaughter, Kristen, recently married “Hubert,” a disabled Iraqi war veteran who is on medication for PTSD. He now seems to have abandoned her and her three-year-old daughter and left them with nothing — not even their marriage certificate.

“I was just getting settled,” Kristen sobbed to Sister Alma Rose on the phone. To say that Kristen has led a tumultuous life is like observing that there are numerous people in China. Finally she thought she had found someone who would treasure her and bring stability to her life and her daughter’s, who were homeless until Kristen met Hubert.

The three of them had been together for eight months before Kristen and Hubert were married in Las Vegas. She has few if any material resources; she feels terrified and friendless; so y’all are going to have to pray for angels to comfort and guide her… and her husband and daughter as well. Please, y’all light a candle for her tonight, and send her “love vibes” every time you think of her. These things are important. These things are powerful.

Then y’all praise God and be thankful, knowing that his will for Kristen is already being done and it can be nothing but blessedness.

If one thinks of a miracle not as the breaking of God’s laws but as His own using of His laws, then the world is full of miracles…. His will includes unlimited miracles. It is for us to learn His will, to seek the simplicity and the beauty of the laws that set free His power. —Agnes Sanford, The Healing Light, on the miracle of prayerful healing 

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7 thoughts on “Miracle Needed Here, Thank You

  1. Little brother’s wedding was joyful joyful. OUtdoors, where bored toddlers could wander off and play with caterpillars within mom’s reach. http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=3272e99f0ad3ef7d&sid=0AYsnDNy1bMWTKNg might show pics — number 63 shows the couple on the deck of the cabin with the large tree cut off at just tall enough (had to cut it ’cause the hemlocks are dying) to make a place to put your hands on when you might not have the strength or dexterity to get the ring on her finger, since that’s what the disease takes away. He rested between things but oh, the toast… the dance… it means so much more to be above water when you’ve been under.
    I, too, have a godchild with history. Lighting candle tonight, too…


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